These images are FREE for use as blog backgrounds. They are not to be sold in any way, nor are they to be used on any blog which has pornographic, illegal, or immoral content. When using these backgrounds, please include a link back to this site (scroll down if you'd like a link button). Many thanks, and happy blogging!
BACKGROUNDS Set your Blogger template to Minima (click HERE to see how). Then go to "Design," "Layout," "Edit HTML." Scroll down until you see the following: body { background:$bgcolor;
Immediately after the semicolon, add the code for your desired background.
That's it! Be sure to use the preview button to make sure you like your choice before saving your changes! :0)
HEADERS Copy the image code from your desired header. Go to "Customize" and click on the "Edit" button on your header. Paste your code where it says "From the web." Where it says "Placement," choose "Behind title and description." You do notneed to "shrink to fit." (3-column blogs may need to shrink; widths may vary.) Save, and you're done!
With some headers, you may notice a gap between the top border and your header image. Click HERE to find out how to solve the problem, or if you're having other header trouble!
POST DIVIDERS For step-by-step instructions on adding post dividers, please click HERE.
Link to Us
To add this link button, go to "Customize," "Layout," "Page Elements" and "Add a Gadget." Add "HTML/Javascript" and copy and paste the following: <center><a href=""><img border="0" alt="Photobucket" src=""/></a></center>
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